Intelligent garbage sorting equipment

FeaturesThe sorting effect is good, and the sorting rate reaches 100%.The all-in-one machine can be used to sort domestic waste, with low operating costs.The noise level of the sorting machine is 80 d
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The sorting effect is good, and the sorting rate reaches 100%.

The all-in-one machine can be used to sort domestic waste, with low operating costs.

The noise level of the sorting machine is 80 decibels, which meets the noise emission standards for mechanical equipment.

The moisture requirement for domestic waste is low, requiring the moisture content of domestic waste to be less than 30%.

The sorting process has no secondary pollution and no impact on the surrounding environment.

The sorting machine cleverly utilizes the wind separation dust removal device, which does not require matching special dust removal facilities and reduces product energy consumption.

The sorting accuracy is high, reaching 80%, and there is no mixing of various garbage sorted by the sorting machine.

The sanitary environment is good, there is no occupational hazard to the operating staff, and no special protection is required.




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